RunnersNFT characters created as art by Ayesha Shaw & 8bit with the vision of growing it into a long term brand with value and building a community that connects like-minded people.

What We Own

The name and Intellectual Property involved RunnersNFT project is owned by us. All rights that are not specifically granted to the users and owners of RunnersNFT listed below are reserved by us. This includes but is not limited to the intellectual property rights surrounding the RunnersNFT name, logos, runnersnft.com domain name, layered files, traits, designs/art, trademarks, marketing materials, the website, the look and feel of the user interface, the smart contract code, or anything else not specifically granted by any following licenses.

What You Own and What You Can Do With It

By connecting your Ethereum wallet and minting / purchasing NFT with our smart contract, you have purchased a RunnersNFT.

(a) Personal Use

The artists grants you a non-exclusive royalty-free license to use, copy, display, and modify the RunnersNFT image that you own. This usage is granted world-wide.

This usage is for the limited purposes of:

  • Personal and Non-Commercial Use

  • Display and usage of your NFT on External Websites

  • Ability to Buy, Sell, and Trade your NFT

(b) Commercial and Derivative Rights

The artists appreciate your desire to utilise your RunnersNFT in various commercial ways, and is open to you doing just that. We grant you a worldwide non-exclusive royalty-free license to use, copy, and display the image in its fullness associated with your purchased NFT for the purpose of creating derivative works based upon that image and commercialising your own merchandise that includes, contains, or consists of that image associated with your purchased NFT. When it comes to commercial rights, we want you as a holder to realise that you must use the full image of the RunnersNFT you own. In another word, licensed use of your Little RunnersNFT must include its complete Image/Model.

All rights are reserved for any and all underlying individual proprietary layered files, individual proprietary RunnersNFTs that complete each asset / asset version. These rights are reserved for the artists and are expressly prohibited to be used outside of the full Image/Model of the individual NFT you hold. These files and traits are proprietary and of the artists own creation.

You shall not use any artists Licensed Materials in connection with any material, which is unlawful, fraudulent, libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, profane, threatening, abusive, hateful, offensive or otherwise objectionable or unreasonable or infringing upon any laws or regulations or intellectual property rights or proprietary rights or confidentiality obligations and you shall indemnify and defend the artists, against any claims, damages, proceedings, loss or costs arising from such use. You shall not use the artists Licensed Materials in any way that could be construed as being adverse or derogatory to the image of RunnersNFT, or the artists, or any of its subjects featured in the NFTs.

The artists expressly prohibits the use of any proprietary, individual traits or crafted layers in any and all other projects. The artists also prohibits the sale or promotion of counterfeit NFTs or NFT collections. Counterfeit NFTs or collections contain art that is identical to or substantially indistinguishable from the original RunnersNFT collection, including:

  • NFTs described as knock off, replica, imitation, clone, faux, fake, mirror image, or similar terms when referring to an NFT or NFT Collection in an attempt to pass themselves off as genuine RunnersNFT creations.

  • Non-genuine products that mimic RunnersNFT features or proprietary traits in an attempt to pass themselves off as genuine RunnersNFT creations.

Termination of Licensed Rights

The Licensed Rights shall automatically terminate and all rights shall return to the artists if: (a) you make any assignment for the benefit of creditors, file a petition in bankruptcy or are adjudged bankrupt, or become insolvent, or your assets are placed in the hands of a receiver; (b) you engage in any unlawful business practice related to your RunnersNFT; © you breach any of the License Terms and Conditions; or (d) you disparage the artists, its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, members, employees, agents, and/or attorneys.

RunnersNFTs are Not Intended as Investments

RunnersNFTs are meant to be a fun Non-Fungible Token for you to collect. They are not meant as investment vehicles. We make absolutely no promise or guarantee that these NFTs will be worth anything more than what you and the market deem the art to be worth. This could very well be zero. We give you our word that we will try to build a community and bring as much intangible value and vibes to the project as we can. You understand that they have no inherent monetary value, and they should be treated as nothing more than a collectible with potential future value or lack thereof.


You are solely responsible for all taxes and charges that apply in connection with any RunnersNFT transaction. The artists are not responsible for determining the taxes that may apply to any of your transactions, and offers no representation or warranty that any such transaction will be tax-free or will not otherwise have tax consequences.


RunnersNFT project is not targeted towards children. You agree that you are over the age of 18, or above the legal age of your jurisdiction, whichever is greater.

These Terms are Subject to Change

We may revise these Terms from time to time, but the most current version will always be on our website. You are responsible for reviewing and becoming familiar with any such modifications. Revisions deemed material, is the sole discretion of the artists, will include a notification via Twitter or Discord. By continuing to access the RunnersNFT website and by holding a RunnersNFT, you agree to be bound by the current Terms.